Progress Blog
Wander Thesis Film
This blog records my personal progress and contribution to the capstone project, Wander, created during the classes ANIM 408-08, 448-04, & 488-01 at the Savannah College of Art and Design 2018-19.
(For best quality, view on a desktop. Or you can view some of my work from Wander in my Current Projects Gallery.
Awards & Honors
As Wander has been completed and my time at SCAD ended, I've been thinking about what, if anything, will happen to this blog. For now, I've come to the conclusion to keep it posted here on my website to record my contribution to Wander's production pipeline. I will also be posting updates about Wander as we submit it to festivals and contests.
For the first update, I'm excited to announce that my personal work for Wander has been added to the Draft Selection for the Rookie Awards 2019. to view my entry page, click here.
Wander has also been given the Excellence Award for the Rookie Awards 2019.

Week 39: Post Production
It is official! Wander is finally done! I am beyond excited and proud of my film crew and all their hard work. This past week has been a lot of late nights and long hours. I worked on paint overs for a lot of the shots where some phasing happened to occur around Nia's jacket, backpack, or romper. I also handled preparing our Electronic Press Kit. This kit will be sent along with the film to any film festivals we intend on submitting it to. I am extremely excited to see how far this films goes, with the first screening being at the SCAD Animation Showcase! I've also included our trailer in this post. I'm hoping to create a reel showing some breakdowns of my animations from the film and will also include that here when it is ready.

Week 36 & 37: Post Production
Combining last week's post and this week's into one because we've been crazy busy! There's also not a lot of actually "media" that I'll be attaching to this post, since we've mostly been working on rendering out shots. The film is due within the next several days, so some of our crew-mates have also been working on compositing shots. I have personally rendered 7-8 full shots and helped on around 6 other crew-member's shots if they needed re-renders or fixes. I've also helped in compositing by setting up files in Nuke to be composited.
As the film is being finaled, we also have to start thinking about submitting it to film festivals and preparing all the information and materials for doing so. I've personally started working on our Press Package, which holds information on our story, crew, process, etc. This will also be due several days from now, but most of the information has already been made for our Art of Wander book, so it shouldn't take me to long to re-organize the information.
5/13/19 & 5/20/19
Week 35: Post Production
This past week has been a lot of late-night-crew-bonding-and-rendering sessions! I've been doing a little bit of everything recently. I finished lighting SEQ500 Shots 30 and 40. As a crew we divided up around 6-8 shots to render each. This past week I rendered five of my six. I will most likely pick up more shots once I finish my last one. My finaled shots include SEQ300 Shot 30, SEQ500 Shots 30 and 40, SEQ700 Shots 10 and 20. (As of right now I'm refraining from posting completely final shots.)
I helped out on our Spring Poster for this quarter. Part of the poster didn't finish rendering so I painted over part of it to save time. I also edited it in Photoshop for the final look.
I also added the animation of the backpack in SEQ100 Shot 20.
For the next few weeks left of the quarter we will be rendering like CRAZY to get this film done!

Week 34: Post Production
It is officially Week 6 of the quarter, which means we are cracking down on getting out final renders for the film.
This past weekend the network we work on completely went down, along with our building's air conditioning. The render farm was down, so some of our renders had to be put on hold, but we are working hard now to get everything in on time.
The art book was due today as well. I had a lot of fun compiling all of our hard work behind this film. Looking forward to seeing the final print.
As of right now I'm working on lighting my last two shots and rendering all of the shots that I have lit. We're all pushing hard on these last few weeks of finishing the film!

Week 33: Post Production
This past week I've been working a lot on finishing the Art of Wander book. I've been writing and editing the book and layout as well as the material I've asked some of my other crew members to obtain for me. So far the book is 90 pages long. The text portions along account for 12 pages of writing. My next step for the art book is to work with some of our crew members to compile, light, and render the front and back covers.
I've also been working on lighting, rendering, and set dressing. You can see the shots and the progress I've made on them. I have 3-4 shots still assigned for me to light, so I will be working on those within the next couple weeks.